3 Signs That Your Pet May Be Ill

There are few things worse that can happen to your pet, and by proxy, you, than becoming ill. If you believe your pet is suffering from an ailment, it is probably best to call on the services of your trusted veterinarian or take your pet to the animal hospital as soon as possible. There are a few things you should be on the lookout for in order to determine if your pet is sick. This brief article will inform you of a few of those things.

Stiffness and Achiness

If you have noticed your pet's movement has become a bit more stiff or less fluid and their legs are displaying achy behavior, such as an inability to efficiently walk or favoring one leg over others, then there are numerous ailments of which this can be indicative. A common cold is the usual culprit in these cases, and it's generally recommended you wait a day to see if your pet "walks it out". If not, this could be a sign of something more serious, such as arthritis, and you should contact your local veterinarian right away.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Like stiffness and achiness, vomiting and diarrhea can simply be symptoms of a common cold, or a simple sickness. These symptoms are especially common in dogs, whose digestive system operates in such a way that when he or she is occasionally vomiting or having a spell of diarrhea, it should be nothing to be alarmed about. However, if vomiting or diarrhea persist of upwards of a day, this could be a sign of something more serious than a digestive problem or a common sickness. Occasionally, this can be the sign of food poisoning, which can be potentially life threatening to your animal.

Losing Fur

If your pet is older, then losing fur is most likely simply a symptom of aging rather than the sign of a serious illness. However, if loss of fur is accompanied with a problem like a persistent scratching of the skin or loss of appetite, this too can be cause for alarm. Although many times pests are the culprit of a pet losing fur, this can also be the sign of a staph infection, yeast infection, an issue with their endocrine system, or even indicative of kidney failure.

If your pet is exhibiting any of the issues above, it is highly recommended you call on the services of your trusted veterinarian and make an appointment with them as soon as possible, or, if the issue is quite serious, take them to an emergency animal hospital. For more information, contact places University Pet Hospital.
