As temperatures get warmer outside, a workout in the sun might be a good idea for you, but your dog might be at risk of heat-related death. Field dogs are more vulnerable to dehydration and overheating, but all dogs can be at risk, which is why you need to know the symptoms of heat stroke and how to prevent it.
While you have sweat glands all over your body to help regulate body heat, your dog's sweat glands are confined to their nose and feet only, which is why they can easily overheat if allowed to exert themselves in extreme conditions.
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You never thought that sharing your leftovers at dinner with your dog would lead to a frantic late-night race to the animal hospital, but there you were--credit card out and heart rate up. Unfortunately, poisoning is the number one cause of pet deaths in the United States, affecting about 100,000 pets last year. Of the top 10 causes for pet poisoning deaths, eating people food ranks sixth. Here's what you need to know so that your pet's health is never in danger again.
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If you've noticed your pet has severe allergies and you don't want them to spend the rest of their life on medication to treat the problem, you'll want to see a holistic veterinarian. A holistic veterinarian can help you control the pet's allergies, through the process of elimination and other treatments.
The allergy symptoms like skin irritations, sneezing or watering eyes your pet suffers from could come from a variety of places, so you'll want to do the following things before you make an appointment with the veterinarian, so you can cross these things off the list of possible triggers.
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Dogs cannot speak to tell you what they are feeling, but they can demonstrate signs and symptoms that can alert you to know there is a problem. If your dog is acting strange, rubbing its face on things, and not eating well, it might be experiencing a problem with a tooth. In some cases, tooth problems will cause swelling around the mouth, but not always. If you suspect that your dog has an issue with one of its teeth, take the dog to an animal hospital.
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It's become obvious that your dog is causing damage to your lawn – not by digging, but instead by urinating. You never realized that getting a dog would cause yellow patches of grass all over the place. Fortunately, there's nothing wrong with your dog's health. By tweaking your landscaping, spending some extra time with your dog and getting canine dietary advice from your vet, you can resolve the problem.
What Causes the Yellow Patches?
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